EzyBizCard Features

Every lost connection is a missed opportunity.

In the dynamic world of real estate, every missed connection is a missed sale. With EzyBizCard P

remium, you unlock a suite of features designed to ensure no opportunity slips through the cracks. Whether it’s managing an ever-growing contact list, standing out with a customized digital profile, or building trust with seamless integration of your Zillow and Google Reviews, EzyBizCard Premium provides everything you need to grow your business and close more deals. In a competitive market, relying on outdated networking tools is costing you valuable opportunities and income.

EzyBizCard Premium isn’t just about digital business cards—it’s about transforming the way you connect, manage, and impress clients. Don’t let unrecognized numbers or forgotten paper cards cost you potential sales. Go Premium and ensure every call is recognized, every follow-up is seamless, and every lead is nurtured.

Stop Losing Opportunities, Maximize Your Growth

In a competitive real estate market, relying on outdated methods can cost you more than just time—it’s costing you sales and connections. EzyBizCard’s features ensure that you stand out, stay connected, and never miss a chance to grow your network.

Premium Features You Can’t Afford to Miss

Say goodbye to limitations! Manage an ever-expanding network with ease. Unlimited contacts mean unlimited opportunities.

Make your digital card a reflection of your unique brand. Tailor your EzyBizCard with custom themes and colors that speak volumes about your professional identity.

Build trust at first glance. Display your stellar Zillow and Google reviews right on your profile, leveraging the power of social proof to win over clients.

Transition to digital with ease. Scan and digitize paper business cards, keeping all your contacts organized and accessible.

Stay current with zero hassle. Update and replace your linked card information instantly, ensuring your network always has your latest details

Export all your contacts to your computer as a CSV file.

Subscription Details:
When you choose Premium, you’re securing a full year of top-tier networking capabilities with a one-time subscription. After the first year, continue to harness the power of Premium for just $5 a month. This ensures uninterrupted access to all the premium features that set you apart in the real estate industry.

Standard Features Efficient Networking, Simplified

Don’t let outdated practices hold you back.

In today’s digital world, sticking to traditional paper business cards is costing you more than just printing fees—it’s costing you sales and connections. EzyBizCard Standard offers a powerful, eco-friendly solution that transforms how you network, making it easier, faster, and more efficient to connect with potential clients.

Perfect for realtors looking to embrace digital efficiency, EzyBizCard Standard provides everything you need to stay organized, ensure smooth follow-ups, and never miss an opportunity to grow your business.

Standard Features

Create a digital version of your business card with essential contact information.

Share your digital business card easily through NFC technology, enabling quick and convenient contact exchange.

Include standard contact details such as name, phone number, email address, and job title.

Add links to your social media profiles and Zillow profile, allowing recipients to connect with you on various platforms.

Provide information about your company, including the name, logo, and a brief description.

Include a professional profile photo to personalize your digital business card.

Each EzyBizCard has a unique web URL, making it accessible through a standard web browser..

Access and manage your digital business card through a web-based platform.

Share your digital business card using a QR code for individuals without NFC-enabled devices

Easily edit and update your digital business card details as needed.

Share your digital business card with others an unlimited number of times, making networking and connection-building effortless.

Replace traditional paper business cards with EzyBizCard for a more sustainable and modern approach to networking.


  • Digital Business Card
  • Contactless Sharing
  • Customizable Templates
  • Web-Based Access
  • Basic Contact Information
  • QR Code Sharing
  • Card Management
  • Unlimited Sharing